We are a highly diverse and talented team comprising over 100 people ,



Engineer Samer Abu Ras

School Head Manager

Mamoon Daou

School Master

Holds a BA in English language and Literature from Damascus University in 1990
Appointed in 1993.
Holds an educational qualification diploma in 1998
Practical Education Supervisor at the Second College of Education,
/ Damascus University/ – Al – Swaida’a Branch.
Manager of secondary school and basic education since 2003 until now. .
He holds a certificate of integrating technology into learning.

Professor Marwan Baraka

Deputy principal of the school

BA in Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Damascus University, 1981
Postgraduate studies, Department of Mathematics, Damascus University
Diploma in Education and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Education
First instructor of mathematics in the Ministry of Education
Mathematics instructor
Author and proofreader of mathematics Curriculum at the Ministry of Education
Curriculum reviewer in some Arab countries
Certified trainer at the Arab Trainers Union (Arab League)
Lecturer at Damascus University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science

Samer Abu Ras

Founder / CEO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor.

Samer Abu Ras

Founder / CEO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor.

Samer Abu Ras

Founder / CEO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor.

our teachers

Marwan Barakeh

Math teacher

اكرم الجباعي ...

فيزياء كيمياء

شاهر جزان

تربية دينية

خالد شلهوب

مدرس لغة انكليزية

حسين الخطيب

مدرس فيزياء و كيمياء

نادر تركي الشحف

مدرس لغة فرنسية

ميساء فرحان الشوفي

مُدرّسة فيزياء وكيمياء

نبيل رشيد

مدرس لغة انكليزية

عماد فارس النداف

مدرس لغة فرنسي

رأفت يوسف فلحوط

مدرس تربية قومية

أيناس جدعان البدعيش

مدرس العلوم

خزامى نايف الصفدي

مُدرّسة مادّة الجغرافية

صدّام النّجم

مُدرّس مادّة اللّغة العربيّة

ربيع نواف مكارم

مُدرّس مادّة الرياضيات

نشأت خداج

مُدرّس مادّة الرياضيات

فادية نجيب جمول

مُدرّسة فيزياء وكيمياء



Dream with vivid imagination

Collaborate with unshakeable integrity
Create with passionate conviction

Communicate with personal empathy

Learn with dynamic agility
